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While at the Overland Expo Mountain West, we had the opportunity to tour the all-new, all-electric LightShip RV. The Lightship L1 has a very clean and sleek design. It is 3 times more aerodynamic than the classic travel trailer.
While at the 2023 Overland Expo Mountain West in Loveland, CO last weekend, we got to tour some pretty cool overland and adventure RVs and travel trailers. We took a look at some EarthRoamers, Adrenalin Industries Overlanding and Expedition trucks, Expedition Trailers Voyager, Lance Enduro Adventure Trailer, and the all new 2024 Lexus GX 550.
During our visit to the 2023 Overland Expo Mountain West, we visited quite a few vendors. There were four stand out vendors for us that we either made a purchase from or are planning a purchase from in the foreseeable future.
The four vendors that we cover here are: Devos Outdoors, Peak Design, Kokopelli (rafts) and We Boost. The reps at each of their booths were incredibly knowledgable and generous with their time giving as much detail as we needed to understand the product.
Today we visited the 2023 Overland Expo Mountain West in Loveland, CO. This is our third year visiting the expo. We really enjoy seeing all of the new products and gear that the vendors are showcasing. We visited with Kokopelli, Devos, Peak Designs, Orvis, Garmin, Tailgater Tire Table, Earthroamer, UpTop Overland, Baja Designs, Lightship, Timberleaf, just to name a few. We also got to see the all new 2024 Lexus GX, the 2024 Toyota Tacoma, and the 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser. What were your favorite vehicles at the overland expo?
While at the 2024 Overland Expo Mountain West in Loveland, CO we got to tour some pretty cool overland and expedition RVs.
This weekend we visited the 2024 Overland Expo Mountain West in Loveland, CO. This is our fourth year visiting the expo. We really enjoy seeing all of the new products and gear that the vendors are showcasing. We visited with Kokopelli, Devos, Rocky Talkie, Garmin, Pecos Outdoors, Earthroamer, Cube Series, Hydrapak, Gazelle Tents, Clean Freaks, Drip Drop, Rockagator, and Airstream, just to name a few.
What are the 7 things that we liked most at the Overland Expo this year and what did we find weird?