Airstream Upgrades: The Practical & The Ridiculous

When we set out on our journey traveling the country, we knew that we wanted to get some upgrades and do some modifications to our Airstream to make it better for near full time travel. We completed some of these ourselves, like the Airkrafters Erpods and the Microair Thermostat. But when it came to some of the larger upgrades, we wanted them to be done professionally to know that they were done so well that they would never create any problems. We contacted a few different places, but decided to work with Ronnie at Airstream Nuts and Bolts. We chose them for a lot of reasons, but the kindness of Ronnie and Tera was a big part as well as how they priced everything so transparently . . . not to mention that they gave us a timeline upfront that wasn't going to put us out of our primary home for more than a week. The upgrades completed were: Dexter 3" Lift Maxim Skylights MicroAir Soft Start Battle Born GC3 270 Ah Batteries More Victron Componets than I can mention Progressive Inline EMS IRVWPC Water Pump Upgrade And we got more information than we could ever want on these components from Ronnie. We also received so many great recommendations on places we should see around the area, but also around the country. We plan to utilize all of these upgrades to their fullest.


Dry Camping: Upgraded and Unplugged


Our Airstream Is In The Shop, What Did We Do While It Was Being Upgraded in Dadeville, AL?