A Trick To Fixing An Airstream Door That Wont Latch Easily - Must Watch

While we were in Oklahoma I had a few things that needed to be done on the airstream. Cleaning the AC return, cleaning the front windows, and lubricating the door latch mechanism. Cleaning the front windows means opening up the solar guards and since I had to learn how to do it, I thought it might be worth it to teach others. While not challenging, it can be confusing that the quarter turn screws aren't just normal screws. Another maintenance item was opening up the door latching mechanism to lubricate a few areas. For this I contacted someone who knows more than I do about the mechanism and followed his instructions. Kevin from NOLOX wouldn't even sell me a part until I had checked some things first. In this case, oiling the mechanism seems to have fixed our issue. NOLOX - https://www.nolox.shop DZUS Quarter Turn Replacement Thread - https://www.airforums.com/forums/f469/front-windows-solar-guard-screws-247680.html Quarter Turn Screws - https://southco.com/en_us_int/82-19-100-20


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