Will Ceramic Coating Keep My Airstream Clean?

In our last of three service appointments, we stopped at Master Applied Coatings in Tallahassee Florida to get our Airstream and Our Truck ceramic coated. Master Applied's ceramic coating is the preventative measure that keeps the outside of your investment looking like the day you bought it. The solid coating protects from scratches, oxidation and corrosion. The ceramic coating has been amazing for the last month with rain running straight off of both. A healthy rain shower will rinse the dust off the vehicles as well. We also chose to have the windows and the solar panels completed as well, time will tell whether those were worth while, but the body of both is already very impressive. If you are interested in ceramic coating your Airstream, visit their website at https://www.masterappliedcoatings.com


Want an RV Park near Disney that won't break the bank? KOA Orlando Southwest is a great option!


Inside the COE Landing Campground (and why you should go there) in Tallahassee, FL